Car Finance with Bad Credit in New Zealand

Car Finance with Bad Credit

Beginner Guide to

Bad Credit Car Loan

If you have bad credit, car financing can be a challenge. But there are options available to you if you know where to look. In this guide, we will look at how to get bad credit car financing in New Zealand. Bad credit car financing is available from a number of different sources, including dealerships, private lenders, and online lenders. Lets look at how and where to get car loans even with poor credit history. 

Car finance options for people with bad credit in New Zealand

If you have very bad credit, it may seem impossible to get a car loan. But there are actually a few options available to you in New Zealand. There are a few specialist lenders who cater to people with bad credit. They may charge higher interest rates and fees, but they can still approve you for a loan. Below are list of bad credit car loan lenders in New Zealand. 

1. First Credit Limited

2. Car Finance 2 U

3. The Loan Arranger

4. National Finance

5. Car Finance Solutions

6. Bad Credit Car Finance


8. Drivers Choice

9. Ezycar finance

10. Car Loans New Zealand

11. Finance Now

12. First Choice Finance

13. MTF

14. UDC

15. GE Finance

Where to get bad credit car finance in New Zealand?

Bad credit car finance is not always easy to come by in New Zealand. There are a number of options available to those with bad credit, but it can be difficult to find the right one.

Here are a few places to look for bad credit car finance in New Zealand:

  • Banks and other financial institutions – Many banks and other financial institutions offer bad credit car finance. However, it can be difficult to get approved for a loan if you have bad credit.
  • Car dealerships – Some car dealerships offer bad credit car finance. However, it is important to shop around and compare interest rates before signing any paperwork.
  • Private lenders – There are a number of private lenders who offer bad credit car finance. However, it is important to research any lender before agreeing to any loan.
  • The government – The government offers a number of programs that can help people with bad credit get car finance. However, it can be difficult to qualify for these programs.
  • Charitable organizations – There are a number of charitable organizations that offer bad credit car finance. However, it is important to research any organization before agreeing to any loan.

Bad credit car finance is not always easy to come by in New Zealand. However, there are a number of options available to those with bad credit. It is important to shop around and compare interest rates before signing any paperwork.

Advantages of bad credit loans

Bad credit car loans in New Zealand can offer a number of advantages for borrowers. For one, these loans can provide access to financing for those with less-than-perfect credit scores. This can be helpful for individuals who may not qualify for traditional loans from banks or credit unions. Lets have a look at some of the pros of taking out a bad credit credit car loan in NZ

  • You can still get a loan with bad credit: In New Zealand, bad credit car loans are still available from many lenders, so you can still get the car you need even if your credit score is not perfect.
  • You can improve your credit score: By making all your payments on time and in full, you can actually improve your credit score over time, making it easier to get loans for other purposes in the future.
  • You can get a lower interest rate: Many bad credit car loans in New Zealand come with lower interest rates than traditional loans, so you can save money on interest over the life of the loan.
  • You can get a shorter loan term: Shorter loan terms mean you will pay off the loan quicker and save on interest.
  • You can get a smaller loan: If you only need a small loan, bad credit car loans in New Zealand can be a good option as you may be able to find a lender who is willing to lend you a smaller amount.
  • You can get a loan without a security deposit: Some bad credit car loans in New Zealand do not require a security deposit, so you can get the loan without having to put down any money upfront.
  • You can get pre-approved: Many lenders offer pre-approval for bad credit car loans, so you can shop around for the best deal without having to worry about your credit score
  • You can get a fixed interest rate: Many bad credit car loans in New Zealand come with fixed interest rates, so you know exactly how much your repayments will be each month and you can budget accordingly.
  • You can get a flexible repayment schedule: Some lenders offer flexible repayment schedules for bad credit car loans, so you can make repayments that suit your budget and lifestyle.

Disadvantages of bad credit car loans in New Zealand.

Bad credit car loans in New Zealand can be quite expensive and may not be the best option for everyone. Here are some of the main disadvantages:

  • You may be paying a higher interest rate than someone with good credit : Bad credit car loans in New Zealand can end up costing you more in interest than if you had good credit. This is because lenders view you as a greater risk and will charge you a higher interest rate to offset that risk.
  • You may have a shorter loan term : intro : Another downside of bad credit car loans is that you may have a shorter loan term than someone with good credit. This means you’ll have to make larger monthly payments which can be difficult to afford. 
  • You may have to put down a larger deposit : When taking out a bad credit car loan, you may be required to put down a larger deposit than someone with good credit. This can make it more difficult to get the loan you need.
  • You may be limited in the types of cars you can choose from : Bad credit car loans can also limit the types of cars you can choose from. This is because lenders may only finance certain types of cars that they deem to be low-risk.
  • You may have to pay extra fees :  Bad credit car loans may also come with extra fees, such as an origination fee or a pre-payment penalty. These fees can add to the cost of your loan, making it even more expensive.

How to get bad credit car loan with guaranteed approval in New Zealand.

Bad credit can make it difficult to get a car loan, but it is possible to get a bad credit car loan with guaranteed approval in New Zealand.

There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting approved:

  • Make sure you have a steady income. A bad credit car loan is more likely to be approved if you have a steady income that can cover the loan payments.
  • Get a cosigner. If you can find someone with good credit to cosign your loan, it will improve your chances of getting approved.
  • Shop around. Some lenders are more willing to approve bad credit car loans than others. It pays to shop around and compare offers before choosing a lender.
  • Be prepared to pay a higher interest rate. Interest rates on bad credit car loans are typically higher than on regular car loans. Be prepared to pay a higher interest rate and don’t be tempted to over borrow.
  • Make a large down payment. A large down payment shows the lender that you’re serious about repaying the loan and it can help to offset the higher interest rate.

Following these simple tips can help you get a bad credit car loan with guaranteed approval in New Zealand.

Bad credit car finance for unemployed

There are many New Zealanders who are currently unemployed and have bad credit. This can make it very difficult to find a lender who is willing to provide finance for a car. However, there are a few options available for those in this situation.

  • One option is to look for a lender who is willing to provide bad credit car finance. There are a few lenders who specialize in providing finance to people with bad credit. However, you may have to pay a higher interest rate than someone with good credit.

  • Another option is to look for a dealership that is willing to provide finance to people with bad credit. Some dealerships have special programs for people with bad credit. However, you may have to put down a larger deposit than someone with good credit.

  • Another option is to look for a private lender who is willing to provide finance to people with bad credit. There are a number of private lenders who are willing to provide finance to people with bad credit. However, you may have to pay a higher interest rate than someone with good credit.

If you are unemployed and have bad credit, it is important to remember that you are not alone. There are a number of options available to you. However, you may have to pay a higher interest rate than someone with good credit.

Bad credit beneficiary car dealers

When you have bad credit, it can be difficult to find a car dealer who is willing to work with you. However, there are some dealers who specialize in working with bad credit customers. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are looking for a bad credit beneficiary car dealer:

1. Do your research. Not all dealers are created equal. Some may have better terms and conditions than others. Be sure to compare several dealers before making a decision.

2. Look for a dealer who is willing to work with you. Some dealers may be more flexible than others when it comes to credit requirements.

3. Get pre-approved for financing before you shop. This will help you know how much you can afford to spend on a car.

4. Be prepared to make a down payment. Many bad credit dealerships require a down payment in order to finance a car.

5. Be aware of the terms and conditions of the loan. Make sure you understand all of the terms and conditions before signing any paperwork.

By following these tips, you should be able to find a bad credit beneficiary car dealer who is willing to work with you.

20 Simple tips on how to get the best car finance deal with bad credit in New Zealand.

Bad credit can make it difficult to get a good car finance deal, but it is not impossible. There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of getting a good deal:

1. Research the different options available to you and compare interest rates and terms.

2. Work out how much you can afford to repay each month and what you can afford to pay as a deposit.

3. Talk to a number of different lenders to see if they can offer you a better deal than what you’re currently looking at.

4. Consider a secured loan against an asset such as your home or car. This can often get you a lower interest rate.

5. If you have a good relationship with your bank, ask them if they can offer you a better deal than what you’re currently looking at.

6. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with the lender – often they’re open to negotiation on things like interest rates and repayment terms.

7. Make sure you read the fine print on any loan agreement before signing anything.

8. If you’re struggling to repay your loan, talk to your lender as soon as possible. They may be able to offer you a hardship arrangement.

9. If you’re really struggling to repay your loan, you may be able to sell the car to pay off the debt.

10. Be very careful about taking on further debt to pay off your car loan – this can quickly get out of control and leave you in a very difficult financial position.

11. If you’re having trouble making repayments, talk to a free financial counsellor – they may be able to help you negotiate with your lender and come up with a repayment plan.

12. Remember that if you default on your loan, the lender can repossess your car.

13. If you’re considering a car finance deal with bad credit, make sure you shop around and compare a range of different options before signing anything.

14. Paying off your car loan as quickly as possible will save you money in interest charges.

15. If you can, make lump sum repayments on your loan to pay it off faster.

16. Talk to your accountant or financial advisor to get their opinion on whether a car finance deal with bad credit is the right option for you.

17. If you’re self-employed, make sure you compare interest rates and terms from a range of different lenders, as you may be able to get a better deal than someone with a regular job.

18. If you have a bad credit history, you may still be able to get a car loan from a specialist lender.

19. Be prepared to pay a higher interest rate if you have bad credit.

20. Try to improve your credit rating before applying for a car loan by paying off any outstanding debts and making all your repayments on time.

Car dealers that offer for bad credit in New Zealand

People who have bad credit often find it difficult to qualify for a traditional loan. This is where bad credit car dealers come in. These dealers offer financing to people with poor credit histories.


  • The Enterprise Motor Group was established way back in 1987 and has grown throughout NZ. It is known for offering some of the best bad credit car loans. Their branch network gives you quick access to your car as well as expert advice from friendly advisors who can help you understand all your options. The Enterprise Motor Group offers a range of new and used cars, so whatever your needs are, there will be a vehicle available to suit you.

  • Another popular dealer that offers bad credit car loans is the XposureMotors which is growing fast and they have become one of the most trusted dealerships in NZ, offering some of the best deals on car loans for bad credit, as well as excellent service and advice to help you make an informed decision.

  • Dave Allen Motors is one of NZ’s most reliable and respected brands. With years of experience behind them, they can be trusted to offer some of the best bad credit car dealers in New Zealand. They sell a range of both new and used cars that are competitively priced, so you get a great deal on your purchase no matter you have a bad credit score.


Bad credit loans in New Zealand are designed for people who have a poor credit history and are struggling to get approved for traditional loans from banks.

There are a number of different lenders who offer bad credit loans, so it is important to compare your options before applying. The interest rates on bad credit loans are usually higher than the rates offered on regular loans, so it is important to shop around and compare rates before taking out a loan. It is also important to make sure that you can afford the repayments, as missing payments can further damage your credit rating.

If you are considering taking out a bad credit loan, it is important to speak to a financial advisor to make sure that it is the right decision for your circumstances.

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